We are THRILLED to be offering another Scholastic Book Fair for the 2017-2018 school year!! Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that provides the books kids want to read. It's a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level.
Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits. It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Our Book Fair is scheduled to be August 31-September 8, 2017. We hope you will come on out to shop with us!
As always, we welcome volunteers! If you love books and are interested in helping decorate, set up, assist students in selecting books, or helping pack up, please let us know!
Our goal this Book Fair is to sell 500 books – we hope you’ll make plans to come to our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child's reading habits. Remember, all purchases benefit our school!