BHS Homecoming Week
Sept. 17th - Sept. 22nd
Students will have the opportunity to show their school spirit by
dressing up for the different spirit days!
Come out and support the Baldwin Braves for the homecoming game
Homecoming Game will be against Greenbriar - Kickoff is at 7:30
Homecoming Court King will be announced before the game
Homecoming Court Queen will be announced at half-time
Football Tickets will be on sale during the day at the school Wed. - Friday
from 9:00 - 4:00 for $7.00
All District Employees get in for free to the game with their District ID
Tailgate fees are $50.00 - Tailgating Permits will be sold through
Friday until 4:00 pm
You can pick up your wristbands and parking permit for the Tailgate Area from 3:30 - 4:30 on Friday Sept. 22nd at the Baldwin High School Stadium on the Home Entrance Side
Everyone must have a wristband to enter the tailgate area
If you have any questions, please call Coach Ricks, Athletic Director at 478-453-6429 ext. 5349
or Mrs. Rozier, Athletic Admistrator Assistant at 478-453-6429 ext. 5379