Lakeview Primary and Midway Hills Primary will be hosting kindergarten registration for the 2019-2020 school year starting on Monday, February 4th. Parents and families should report directly to the Baldwin County Early Learning Center to register. Below is more information for parents to follow:
WHO? Children who are five years old on or before September 1, 2019
WHEN? Weekdays, February 4 - February 14, 2019, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
WHERE? Early Learning Center (located behind Board of Education Building)
WHAT is required? At the time of registration parents should provide:
A certified copy of the birth certificate (child must be five years old on or before September 1 , 2019 for kindergarten)
*Guardianship papers are required if the child does not reside with a birth parent.
Verification of Residence: (must include one of the following and be in the parent/legal guardian’s name*)
Copy of home mortgage payment book
Lease/Rental Agreement showing name of legal guardian
Current warranty or quit claim deed
Copy of sales contract
Current Utility Bill (within 30 days) with the service address must be provided.
Georgia Immunization Form (current, completed for K through 6th grade)
Social Security Card
Georgia Eye, Ear, and Dental form (2019; screenings may be scheduled at the Health Department)
Out-of-Zone Request forms may be requested after all required kindergarten registration forms have been submitted to their home school. Then an out-of-zone request may be completed and must be returned to the Board of Education Office by 2:00 p.m., February 14, 2019.
No approval will be made prior to the 10 day count in August. Students must attend their zoned school August 1 and will be notified of approved transfer requests.