Congratulations to Ra’Miyah Hall from Baldwin High School for being selected to serve on State School Superintendent Richard Woods' 2021-2022 Student Advisory Council.
State School Superintendent Richard Woods has selected 66 Georgia high-school students to serve on his 2021-2022 Student Advisory Council. Throughout the year, these students will meet with Superintendent Woods to discuss the impact of state policies in the classroom. “Year after year, my Student Advisory Council is an invaluable resource as I make decisions that impact students across the state,” Superintendent Woods said. “Getting to know these students and seeking their feedback and perspectives allows all of us at the Georgia Department of Education to make the best possible policy choices.”
The council includes representation from all regions of the state – at least four students from every Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) district in Georgia were selected. Members were selected from a pool of more than 1,000 applicants who applied to serve on the council; this year, students in grades 10-12 were eligible to apply. Applications were reviewed and scored by a panel of GaDOE staff members, and students were chosen based on the strength of their essay answers, which focused on their ideas for public education.