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Meet our BHS Math Department

Pamela Longino

BHS Math Department

The Mathematics Department at Baldwin High School uses multiple learning style strategies to build life-learning skills in the area of math for students at Baldwin High School. The math teachers are always available to help their students or answer questions they might have about their math classes. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to learn the applications of math skills and concepts related to problem-solving in their future lives.

Teachers pictured for Left to Right

Front Row - Mr. Dixon (Algebra), Mrs. Y.Haynes (Geometry & Advanced Mathematical Decision Making), Mr. Shepherd (Advanced Algebra), Mrs. Ray (Algebra I & Geometry), Mr. Gafoor (Advanced Algebra), Mr. Steele (Geometry & Algebra I), and Mrs. Jones (Algebra I, Advanced Mathematical Decision Making, Mathematics of Finance, & Geometry)

Back Row - Mrs. Arnold (Advanced Mathematical Decision Making & Advanced Algebra), Mrs. Tiedeman (Pre-Calculus & Algebra I), Mrs. Baker ( Algebra I), Mrs. Challis (Advanced Algebra & Advanced Mathematical Decision Making), Mrs. Parish ( Geometry) Mr. Browder (Foundations of Algebra), and Mr. Stephens (Geometry).

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