In December, the Navy Junior ROTC held their annual inspection pass and review. ROTC Students were assembled in formation and inspected in uniform. Following the inspection, a Pass-In-Review ceremony was conducted. The event included the presentation of the colors by the NJROTC Color Guard, a performance by the drill team, as well as the ceremonial Pass-In-Review.
The Pass-In-Review is a formal, time-honored ceremony that dates back to before the Civil War. It honors the cadets’ hard work and dedication and renders honors to our Area Manager and guests. Present during the ceremony were high school administrators, teachers, friends, families, and local civic leaders.
The NJROTC annual Area Manager's Inspection was conducted by retired U.S. Navy Captain Jerry Hupp, NJROTC Area 7 Manager for more than 20 high schools in Georgia and South Carolina. He is based out of Charleston, SC. The pass-in-review ceremony was a portion of the day-long inspection of the JROTC program, which was preceded by a uniform inspection of every cadet and followed by various detailed administrative inspections in various areas of the program. The ceremony showcased the abilities of our NJROTC cadets in the areas of marching and military drill. The cadets that were recognized during the ceremony are listed below:
Shanteria Taylor - Senior Cadet of the Month
Neyo Yarber - Junior Cadet of the Month
The following cadets were advanced in rank:
Sebastian Davis - Cadet Chief Petty Officer
Robert Pate - Cadet Chief Petty Officer
Deasia Hurt - Cadet Chief Petty Officer
Kymaya Grant - Cadet Petty Officer First Class
Kamora Renfroe - Cadet Petty Officer First Class