Tuesday, November 30, 2021, the Baldwin County Charter System Foundation for Excellence will partner with GAgives to take donations to support the students and teachers in Baldwin County School District through scholarships and teacher recognition programs. For every dollar donated locally, GAgives will match equally. You can help by 1) Making a donation to the Foundation and 2) Passing this information along to family members and friends via email, social media, or any other communication method you have available to you.
Make a commitment, make a difference. Remember, the date to give is Tuesday, November 30, 2021. On that day, your donation will be equally matched by GAgives. All donations are tax-deductible. Please click on the following link to make your donation: https://www.gagives.org/organization/Baldwin-Charter-System-Foundation-Of-Excellence.
The Baldwin County Charter System Foundation was formed in 2016 with the purpose of supporting students and teachers through scholarships and employee recognition programs. The REACH scholarship program is a collaborative effort with the state of Georgia and the Baldwin County School District that awards eligible students a $10,000.00 scholarship. In addition, funding from the Foundation is used to support the Teacher of the Year Recognition, the Pursuit of Excellence Awards, New Teacher Orientation, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Retirement Recognition programs. Your charitable contribution to the Baldwin Charter School System Foundation can have a positive impact, not just on the lives of our students but also on the lives of our employees.
