The Baldwin County School District is hosting two virtual parent informational meetings Thursday, Oct. 1 at 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. The meetings will be held via Zoom. Parents of elementary and middle school remote learning students will be provided information on the option of returning to in-person instruction or continuing with remote learning. Parents will also have an opportunity to ask questions. It is very important for parents to submit the instructional model selection form, which has been provided by the child's school, by October 2. School administrators will use this information to prepare for the return of additional students to the classrooms on Wednesday, October 21. Below you will find the login information to join the Zoom meetings.
Thursday, Oct. 1, 12:00 p.m. Zoom Meeting
Click the following link to join zoom meeting: ZOOM MEETING LINK
Meeting ID: 886 0895 3786
Passcode: Y4w3y0
Dial in by Phone
+13126266799,,88608953786#,,,,,,0#,,661060# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,88608953786#,,,,,,0#,,661060# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 886 0895 3786
Passcode: 661060
Thursday, Oct. 1, 5:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting
Click the following link to join zoom meeting: ZOOM MEETING LINK
Meeting ID: 860 3245 8116
Passcode: Ucb4d1
Dial in by Phone
+13126266799,,86032458116#,,,,,,0#,,079543# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,86032458116#,,,,,,0#,,079543# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 860 3245 8116
Passcode: 079543