Make sure to stand up and be counted in the 2020 U.S. Census. Responding to the 2020 Census online, on paper, by phone, or in person with a census taker, helps secure vital resources for our school district and community. The census helps shape the future of our community through Education, Medicare, Medicaid, Grants, Head Start, Lunch Programs, Family Services, Child Health Care and so much more. Based on our current census count, the Baldwin County School District stands to lose millions of dollars from the federal government. Please complete the census form and be counted.
The deadline for completing the 2020 Census has been extended to Oct. 31 due to COVID-19. If there is anyone who needs assistance in completing the form or wants to learn more about the U.S. Census, services will be offered on Sept. 5th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at The Vaughn Chapel church, 1980 North Jefferson Street. The public is invited to drive through the parking lot of the church for help and additional information. Social distancing will be practiced, participants must wear a mask, and are asked not to get out of the vehicle. Experts on site will be able to assist you with completing your 2020 U.S. Census form without you leaving your car. To learn more about the U.S. Census or to respond online, click the following link: CENSUS 2020.