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State School Superintendent Visits Oak Hill Middle School

State Superintendent Richard Woods is recognizing schools throughout the state for exceptional growth and achievement in math. Today, he visited the Baldwin County School District for a special presentation. Oak Hill Middle School was presented with Georgia's Masters of Mathematics Award. Recognizing the fundamental importance of mathematics in students' educations and future careers, the Georgia Department of Education recognizes schools with exceptional achievement or growth in mathematics as Math Leaders.

Oak Hill Middle School was recognized for growth in the percentage of eighth-grade students scoring at the Proficient Learner level or above based on the Algebra: Concepts and Connections End of Course, which is the state test for mathematics in high school. The 2023-2024 Math Leader Awards criteria recognize the importance of numeracy skills in fifth and eighth grades as well as the high school level. A total of 624 schools met the qualifications to be recognized as Math Leaders.

“We are incredibly proud of our 8th-grade students enrolled in the high school algebra course and for being recognized by State Superintendent Woods for their growth in Mathematics. We know our students and staff have worked diligently towards this milestone, and we are thrilled with their progress,” said Superintendent Dr. Noris Price.

 “Congratulations to our first-ever Math Leader schools!" State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “The skill of numeracy is an essential one, both as students progress through their K-12 education and in their futures. These schools and their educators, students, families, and communities have worked hard to implement the new K-12 Mathematics Standards and prepare all students for life. I commend them on their outstanding work."

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