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Georgia Work-Based Learning Manual
The Georgia Work-Based Learning (WBL) Manual was revised and disseminated in 2013. The link to the WBL Manual can be found in the link titled "Georgia Work-Based Learning Manual" above. Twenty four standards provide guidance to all aspects of WBL including Career Related Education (CRE).
Standards one through five assist all Career Technical and Agricultural Education teachers in integrating CRE activities into the classroom component of the curriculum. Standards six through twenty four assist all teachers serving as work-based learning coordinators in placing and supervising students on job sites. Standard twenty four contains a rubric for evaluating the work-based learning program. The Standards and WBL Assessment Rubric can be found in the Documents & Presentation section to the right.
Career Related Education is structured age appropriate experiences which prepare students to be college and career ready. The range of CRE experiences begin with Career Awareness and Exploration in middle school and culminate with work-based learning during the eleventh and twelfth grade. Work-Based learning provides students the opportunity to receive credit while working in an environment related to their career pathway.
Work-Based Learning Categories
Work-Based Learning placements represent the pinnacle of the Career-Related Education experience. To qualify for a WBL placement, a student must be in grades 11 or 12 and at least 16 years old. Students must also have a defined Career Pathway in order to participate in a Work-Based Learning placement. This is especially important for successful completion of a student’s pathway in that their job placement is directly related to the curriculum of the pathway classes they have completed or in which they are concurrently enrolled. There are several opportunities for students to participate in work-based learning. These opportunities include employability skill development, Cooperative Education, Internship, Youth Apprenticeship, and Clinical Experiences. A document with more information related to each opportunity can be found in the Documents & Presentation box to the right.
Georgia C-NET
Career, Technical, Agricultural and Education Work-Based Learning Student Database on the Internet
The Georgia Department of Education provides C-NET as the official student database for Work-Based Learning students. The CTAE Resource Network provides each CTAE administrator and teacher with a profile page. This profile page for all persons managing work-based learning programs is connected to C-NET, the on-line database. It allows coordinators to customize training plans, track progress, and keep complete histories of employer/student information.
The C-NET function for creating individual training plans utilizes the job titles and tasks lists available on ONET. The entire ONET business-industry occupational task list is incorporated into C-NET. Training plans created on C-NET which are derived from the ONET task list include an icon recognizing the ONET source. The section of this manual that discusses training plans reflects the use of C-NET for development of customized training plans using the ONET task lists. If coordinators place students in positions for which ONET does not have task lists, the coordinator is responsible for creating a customized training plan using resources such as the Occupational Handbook or job descriptions provided by the employer.
Reporting is not necessary with the use of C-NET. Reports for needed data are available to Program Specialists within the Georgia Department of Education as well as local system employees.
C-NET is a function provided by the CTAE Resource Network which is operated with federal funds and is available to all local school systems in Georgia. There is no cost to local school systems for teachers and coordinators using C-NET.
Baldwin High School
155 Hwy 49W,
Milledgeville, GA 31061
478 453-6429
The Baldwin County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, genetics, disability, or sex in its employment practices, student programs and dealings with the public. It is the policy of the Board of Education to comply fully with the requirements of Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act and all accompanying regulations.
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