Opportunities abound at Oak Hill Middle School in our Performing Arts Department. This week the spotlight is on our band program. Christie Edwards is the OHMS Director of Bands. Mrs. Edwards has been teaching band for 18 years. She received her Bachelor of Music from the University of West Georgia and her Master of Music Education from Georgia College and State University.
Under Mrs. Edward’s direction, band students have had a busy start to the school year. Currently, sixth grade band students are learning their first 5 notes on their respective instruments, while the Concert Band is perfecting pep band music. The OHMS Symphonic Band is currently building a foundation of scales to improve their tone quality, as well as working on pep band music.
Participation in band reinforces a plethora of skills. “While they are learning music, students are also gaining important life skills such as independent thinking and collaborative work. These young people see firsthand how important their contributions are and how their efforts elevate the group as a whole. Skills learned through studying music are important inside the classroom, but will serve them well into high school, college, and beyond”, says Mrs. Edwards.
The sounds of the OHMS Pep Band can be enjoyed at home football and basketball games. Upcoming events include a winter concert for all three grades in December, the annual Large Performance Evaluation for Symphonic Band in March, and a spring concert in May.