Pam Longino, media specialist for Baldwin High School, received a surprise greeting from family and coworkers this morning that she had been selected as the Media Specialist of the Year by the Central Georgia Library Media Association (GLMA).
The award is to recognize K-12 library media specialists with dynamic, innovative programs and whose instructional collaborations foster student engagement and achievement. Additionally, finalists are leaders within their school buildings and in the greater community of library media specialists.
Each school system may select one library media specialist for this award. From those chosen for the system level award, one media specialist is chosen as the GLMA Regional Library Media Specialist of the Year. The Central Georgia region includes Baldwin, Hancock, Johnson, Putnam, Washington and Wilkinson Counties.
The Georgia Library Media Specialist of the Year is selected from the GLMA Regional winners. The winner will be announced at the GLMA Summer Institute in June.