Last month, representatives of the Atlanta Gas Light Company came out to Baldwin High School to observe the work that the Baldwin County School District has been doing to infuse agricultural education into its curriculum, and to donate $10,000 to support this initiative.
The check was formally presented by Ron Foster, the Regional Operations Director for Atlanta Gas Light Company. "We were looking at places where we could invest in the community," Foster said, "and we came across this wonderful venture. Almost immediately, we realized that this is something we want to be a part of."

The check was presented to BCSD Wellness Coordinator Aketi Mayweather, who has managed the Baldwin Grows project since 2018, and overseen its growth from a relatively small program to a thriving full scale multi-grade level operation at every one of Baldwin County's schools.
The agricultural program will use the funds to expand its burgeoning aquaponics program, as well as the expansion of several school gardens. "For us, the donation is about helping the community," Foster said, "this is an area that we really feel has been underserved for quite some time in that regard, and for us to be able to give a small donation and sponsorship to help these children understand and educate them on agriculture will go a long way in improving the lives of our citizens and communities.