Congratulations to the following employees who are the December 2020 recipients of the Pursuit of Excellence Award for the Baldwin County School District.
Mrs. Erica Jackson
English Teacher at Baldwin High School

Mrs. Jackson joined the Baldwin County School District in 2015 and over the years she has proven to be an asset to the school system. She received two separate nominations from her co-workers who both commend her on her hard work in school and on extra-curricular activities. She is described as being helpful, supportive, energetic, a good listener and willing to volunteer to help out wherever needed. An example of her willingness to help is described by Mr. Thompson.
“The other day Coach Ricks said at an Academy meeting that he desperately needed someone to help with the volleyball game. After no one responded, Erica did, despite the fact she is clearly tired from all her other responsibilities which include coaching cheer after school.”
She is described as being a wonderful co-worker with a bubbly personality who goes above and beyond the daily tasks. Mrs. Jackson, thank you for modeling excellence!
Mrs. Timmy Raley
Media Clerk at Baldwin High School

Mrs. Raley is working in her 16th year with the Baldwin County School District. Prior to working at Baldwin High School, Mrs. Raley worked in the media center at Midway Hills Academy. She is commended for the ease with which she made the transition from the elementary level to the High School level. She is described as a hard worker who is willing to learn new things. An example of her willingness to help others is described by Mrs. Pam Longino in the nomination:
“Mrs. Raley is willing to work after hours to make sure everything is completed. She was a huge help with getting over 1,000 devices ready for the Chromebook distribution at the high school. She always has a smile and is ready to help no matter how stressful things may get."
In addition to her work in the media center, during the school closure due to the pandemic, Mrs. Raley volunteered her time to help distribute lunches to students and she helped the BCSD technology department distribute chromebooks at the central office. She also helps parents and students by answering their questions about remote learning.
Mrs. Raley’s dedication to the students, faculty, and staff at BHS is deserving of recognition, particularly during this unique time. She has been positive and adaptive in the ever-changing environment we find ourselves in. Mrs. Raley thank you for your example of excellence!
Ms. Dessarae Milner
Cafeteria Manager at Midway Hills Primary School

Ms. Desserae Milner began her career with the school district in 2018 as a school nutrition assistant and was promoted to the manager’s position at Midway Hills Primary School in 2019. In just one year, she proved her ability to lead and manage the daily operations of the school cafeteria at Midway Hills Primary. Mrs. Burney had the following to say about Ms. Milner:
“She has worked hard to serve our students delicious meals each day. She has been supportive of the many changes that have taken place this year. She has been diligent in enforcing the rules and regulations outlined by the Department of Public Health."
Based on the current pandemic and the strict guidelines from the DPH, the fact that the MHP kitchen received a rating of 100 is truly commendable. Ms. Milner is described by Mrs. Burney as being a blessing to the school and to the entire district. Ms. Milner, you are a shining example of excellence!
Mrs. Jennifer Charnes
Early Intervention Teacher at Lakeview Primary School

Mrs. Charnes joined the Baldwin County School District family in 2014 after teaching in the Savannah-Chatham School District. She is serving in her sixteenth year and she is noted by Mrs. Clark as one who goes above and beyond what is asked of her. Mrs. Clark describes her as a person who is continuously working to improve all aspects of Lakeview Primary School. In addition to serving Lakeview Primary as the Early Intervention Program (EIP) teacher, Mrs. Charnes is also the school’s PBIS coach and has taken the Lakeview Primary team in a whole new direction. Her soft skills as a relationship builder has helped tremendously in the classrooms. Her innovative ideas have spearheaded a new initiative at Lakeview Primary, the Positive People Classroom Incentive. The teachers love the direction she is taking the school and her hard work has helped to build a classroom and school community. Mrs. Charnes is also commended for her work with revamping the Tier Two process to make sure that the needs of the students are met and no student falls through the cracks. Her dedication to the students, staff, and school is like no other. Mrs. Clark is honored to have Mrs. Charnes as part of her staff. Mrs. Charnes, thank you for being a shining example of excellence!