The Pursuit of Excellence award is presented to employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. Nominations can be made by BCSD employees, students, parents, and community members. The nomination form can be found on our website under the Human Resources tab or at the BCSD Board Office.
Congratulations to the following employees who are the December 2023 recipients of the Pursuit of Excellence Award for the Baldwin County School District.

Elizabeth Brems
PEC Paraprofessional at Lakeview Primary
Elizabeth Brems is working in her 3rd year for the Baldwin County School District. Mrs. Brems currently works as a PEC Paraprofessional at Lakeview Primary School. She was nominated by her colleague, Amber Hightower. Mrs. Hightower had the following to say, “Ms. Brems is an inspiration to work with. The students respond to her as she is caring and shows genuine interest in each student she works with. She shows patience no matter the situation. She sees the best in the students she works with and it is evident in their responses to her. Ms. Brems builds relationships with colleagues and can make a hard day better through her caring words and calm spirit. ”
Mrs. Brems, thank you for being the epitome of excellence!

Robert Cummings
PEC Teacher at Midway Hills Primary
Robert Cummings is working in his 2nd year for the Baldwin County School District. Mr. Cummings currently works as a special education teacher at Midway Hills Primary. He was nominated by his colleague, Regina Ross. Ms. Ross had the following to say, “I would like to nominate Mr. Cummings because he is a true example of what it means to love your job. He comes in every morning with a huge smile and a pleasant attitude towards everyone. Mr. Cummings is a second-year teacher and I have had the pleasure of being his mentor. He is highly motivated and is always willing to ask for and accept help with an attitude of gratefulness. Although Mr. Cummings works primarily with the kindergarten grade level, he is loved by all of the students. He goes out of his way to include all the students of Midway Hills Primary. He is constantly making a connection with all of the students. It doesn’t matter if he sees them walking in the hallway or if he visits their classroom; he is always acknowledging each student and greeting them. His high fives and good mornings always put a big smile on the students' faces. He also serves as a mentor to many students who are having challenging behaviors. He takes the time to check in with those students and mentor them. He seems to engage students and push them to make positive changes. Mr. Cummings serves as an exceptional role model to the students of Midway Hills Primary. He also serves many of the youth of this county by serving as a baseball and football coach. Mr. Cummings is an excellent reflection of what success can look like for many of our students. He projects a positive image for both adults and children alike. He is very deserving of the Pursuit of Excellence Award. ”
Mr. Cummings, thank you for being a shining example of excellence!

NaTasha Davis
MTSS Coordinator for the Baldwin County School District
NaTasha Davis is working in her 17th year for the Baldwin County School District. She currently works as the MTSS (multi-tiered system of supports) Coordinator for the district. Mrs. Davis was nominated by Lisa Bell, Assistant principal at Midway Hills Primary. Mrs. Bell had the following to say, “Mrs. Davis goes above and beyond the call duty when it comes to MTSS. She has met with me individually whenever I have needed her assistance. Mrs. Davis has a pleasant attitude and demeanor. She has a wealth of knowledge and does not mind sharing her expertise. I am enjoying getting to know Mrs. Davis and learning the MTSS Process in Baldwin County.”
Mrs. Davis, thank you for being a model of excellence!

Pamela Forde
Instructional Coach at Oak Hill Middle School
Pamela Forde is working in her 18th year for the Baldwin County School District. She currently works as an Instructional Coach at Oak Hill Middle School. Ms. Forde was nominated by her colleague, Teresa Chester. Mrs. Chester had the following to say, “Ms. Forde should be nominated because she is very professional, knowledgeable, and patient when working with others. Her sense of urgency when working with teachers to make sure they have what is needed in the classroom is beyond reproach.”
Ms. Forde, thank you for being a model of excellence!