The Baldwin County District will be hosting its first Say “Yes” to the Prom Dress or Suit Event. The Red Carpet will be rolled out on Saturday, March 25, 2023, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Baldwin High School Theater for students searching for the perfect prom dress and suit. The Prom is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, 2023.
This will be the District's first-ever "Say Yes to The Dress or Suit" event and we hope to be able to help students get a dress or suit that will put a smile on their faces. This event is geared toward helping our young ladies and gentlemen within our school district find Prom Attire without having to worry about staying within a budget. The event is free to all Baldwin High School Students who need a dress or suit for Prom Night.
Prom dresses and suits were donated by community members from Baldwin County and surrounding counties. Also, several anonymous donors have stepped forward to provide support with helping our youth have the opportunity to participate in this joyous occasion.
We would like to say thank you to everyone who donated prom attire.