21st Century Community Learning Centers
Afterschool Programs
Welcome to Baldwin S.T.E.A.M. Academy-(BSA). BSA is a program funded by the Georgia Department of Education through the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program. This program is free. BSA seeks to address these community risk factors—widespread poverty, low educational attainment, lack of role models, dysfunctional home environment—by offering a robust out-of school program where students will have time to develop meaningful skills and interests while improving academic performance. Research Indicates that afterschool programs help to "reduce risky, destructive behavior and boost pro-social behavior" (Reaching Potential Through Quality Afterschool, 2008). The Search Institute affirms that afterschool programs that expect staff to build positive relationships with students help students grow in their skills and abilities "through ongoing positive interaction with caring adults" (Search Institute, Discovering What Kids Need to Succeed, April 2013). In addition to addressing community factors, BSA will also address an even more pressing concern: academic needs.
The focus of BSA is to offer afterschool and summer programming that provides additional academic support aligned to Georgia Standards of Excellence for targeted struggling students.
The staff and I look forward to working with the students, parents and the community for the overall success of each student.
Richard Hartry, Director