BHS track star Evan Simmons, a recent graduate of Baldwin High and the Georgia College Early College, signed his letter intent to run for the Demon Deacons of Wake Forest starting in the fall of 2017.
"It means a lot, to have all my friends and family here. I've got a great support system," said Simmons. Coaches, family members and friends took turns sharing emotional and funny stories as they reflected on his athletic career to date.

Simmons has been a standout for many years, most notably having achieved top 24 performances at the National Junior Olympics taking 2nd in the 4x400m relay, 4th in the 4x800m relay and made it to the semifinals in his individual 400m & 800m events.
"I couldn't be happier for Evan and his family," said Coach Dexter Ricks. "It's something very special to see a young man who is so deserving be rewarded for all of his hard work."
Hard work was a recurring theme during the signing ceremony with many coaches, some even from his middle school days, offering insights into the incredible work ethic that Simmons demonstrated on a daily basis. Simmons feels confident that he's ready to continue that exemplary work ethic at Wake Forest in the fall when he begins both his collegiate athletic and academic careers. Simmons received a full scholarship through many different scholarship vehicles including academic scholarships as he has maintained a 3.5 GPA during his time at the Georgia College Early College.
While the fall of 2017 might signal his first year as a full-time college student, it's not the first time he's been inside a college classroom. As he has been a student of our Georgia College Early College program, Simmons begins his time at Wake Forest having already completed 44 college credits, making him almost a sophomore before he ever officially walks on campus for the first time.