We are so proud of Mr. Tommy Reeves, Maintenance and Facilities, for his current art exhibit at Allied Arts. Mr. Reeves stated that he has always been one to whittle since he was a young boy. His grandfather was always carving on a stick for the kids in the family, but it wasn't until 2000 that he began carving on a higher level when his brother bought a carving mallet and wood carving chisels for him. From that point, he has challenged himself to create any and all types of carvings. All carved pieces are hand-carved, and he does not create duplicate pieces. He hopes people who have some of his artwork enjoy it as much as he has enjoyed creating it.
Click on the following link: https://www.milledgevillealliedarts.com/exhibits-and-concerts to see Mr. Tommy Reeves' artwork and to share his story with others. The exhibit will be available for viewing from August 9th through September 11, 2021, during regular business hours, by appointment only. Individuals can schedule an appointment, email, or call.
Allied Arts
201 N Wayne Street
Congratulations Mr. Tommy Reeves!