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BCSD 2021 Fall Fine Arts Programs

Writer's picture: BCSDBCSD

The Fine Arts program in the Baldwin County Schools has made great strides since returning to in-person learning in the Fall of 2021. The BHS Marching Band lists the following accomplishments at the three marching contests they entered this fall. The ratings listed below are all for the marching in competition with other bands in the same classification.

At the Grovetown Warrior competition, the band received the following:

Color Guard (3rd) Drum Major (1st) Percussion (1st) Band (1st)

At the Legacy of Champions competition, the band received the following: Color Guard (3rd) Drum Major (3rd) Band (3 (3rd) Percussion (1st)

and at the Heart of Georgia competition, the band received the following:

Color Guard (3rd) Drum Major (1st) Percussion (1st) Band (1st)

The Baldwin High School Chorus recently performed its first concert in almost two years. Another concert is scheduled for December 8th in the Little Theatre at Baldwin High School.

The middle and elementary band programs have shown considerable growth in numbers this year. Over 120 sixth graders are participating in the band program which brings the numbers to approximately 250 middle schools band students enrolled.

Elementary band classes are growing as well. The board of education has continued to support this growth with the purchase of new instruments and equipment for all the schools in the district.

In November of 2021, a Suzuki Violin program was initiated at the Baldwin County Early Learning Center. Under the leadership of Professor Bryan Hall from Georgia College and State University and Lori Smith, Head of the Early Learning Center all of the four-year-old students in the center are now receiving instruction on violin. This program will continue to grow and expand as the students transition to higher grade levels.

The BHS Theatre Company recently participated in the regional 4-AAAA One-Act Play competition and came in second place out of five participating schools. Robinson York, who played "Jesse Tuck," and Eli Johnson, who played "Miles Tuck," were recognized as All-Star Cast members for the 4-AAAA region, and the region's Best Actress award was won by BHS's Alicia Cuyler who played "Winnie Foster."

The Dance Program in Baldwin County has been engaged in a number of activities. The newly formed elementary dance program is benefitting from the great collaboration with Georgia College and State University. Dance students from GCSU, under the guidance of dance professors Amelia Pelton and Natalie King are bringing dance into the elementary classrooms every week. In addition, sixty-plus students from both Midway Hills Academy and Lakeview Academy will be participating as performers in the GCSU production of the Nutcracker Suite on December 10th and 11th.

The Baldwin Braves Dance Company has recently been formed. This after-school group made up of students from Oak Hill Middle School and Baldwin High School will be participating in the Milledgeville Christmas Parade and is slated to participate in a statewide dance competition in the Spring. The Baldwin High School Dance program will be performed its Fall Dance program on November 18th. The Dance Company from Oak Hill Middle School will be taking performances to the Baldwin Elementary Schools in the month of December.

The Visual Arts program K-12 was on display at the Baldwin County Schools and Allied Arts exhibit at the Marlor House. The exhibit may be viewed virtually on the Milledgeville Allied Arts website. In addition, the BHS art department will be displaying end-of-the-term artwork in the Fine Arts wing of Baldwin High School from December 5th through December 16th.

Nationally recognized cartoonist Tim Oliphant (Mr. Ollie) was in a residence at Oak Hill Middle School during the month of November where worked with students in the Gifted program. This is the fourth year in a row that Mr. Ollie has worked in our district.

Plans are underway for the Baldwin Summer Fine Arts Academy. This program will be for elementary and middle school students in the Baldwin County community. It will take place during the month of June and early July of 2022. Instruction and activities in Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts will culminate with a showcase at the end of the program. The academy is a collaborative effort between the school district and Allied Arts. In addition, the district is seeking additional financial assistance through grant funds from the Georgia Department of Education.

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