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February Board Recognitions

Writer's picture: Felicia CummingsFelicia Cummings

Baldwin County School Nutrition

The Baldwin County School Nutrition Department was recognized for reaching a very impressive milestone. They have prepared and served over one million meals since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. When Baldwin County schools closed March 16, 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the school nutrition department was faced with the challenge of creating alternative methods to provide meals to children in our community. Through the out of the box thinking, school nutrition staff were able to provide children throughout the Baldwin County community with nutritious and healthy meals in a safe manner.


Georgia Association of Educational Leaders 2021 Dr. Jimmy Stokes Distinguished Service Award

Baldwin County School Superintendent Dr. Noris Price was recognized by the school board for receiving the Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) 2021 Dr. Jimmy Stokes Distinguished Service Award. Since 2007, the GAEL Exemplary Service Awards have been presented annually at the Winter GAEL Conference. The award honors long time outstanding service by GAEL members not only to the GAEL affiliate organizations, but to also GAEL.


National School Counseling Week

In honor of National School Counseling Week, observed February 1-5 this year, the Baldwin County Board of Education recognized all school counselors in the district for their hard work and dedication to our students, staff, and parents. School counselors are an integral part of the Baldwin County School District. Our amazing group of school counselors offer advice to students and work with them to remove barriers. Throughout this pandemic, they have provided much-needed support to our students, staff, and parents. Our school counselors pictured below are the following: Ms. Natasha Davis (Lakeview Primary School), Ms. Megan Walling (Midway Hills Academy), Mrs. LaKondrea Campbell, Mrs. Amy Taylor, and Mrs. Tamara Richardson (Oak Hill Middle School), Ms. Christy Hinton, Dr. Tyrone Gonder, Dr. Wanda Ingram, and Dr. David Sallad (Baldwin High School). Our wonderful counseling staff also includes Ms. Chelesa Gauthier (Lakeview Academy) and Mr. Micaiah Watson (Midway Hills Primary School). Thank you to all of our school counselors for their commitment and dedication to our students and school district. To read more about National School Counseling Week and to see individual photos of our counselors please visit the following link: NSCW 2021.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Literary Response Competition Winners

The Baldwin County Board of Education recognized the winners of the Georgia College Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Week 2021 Literary Response Competition: Lauryn Hurst and Zion Wesley from Midway Hills Academy, Trinity Johnson from Baldwin High School, and Riya Patel and Jessica Biyogmam from Georgia College Early College. The competition was part of the Dr. Martin Luther King Week 2021 festivities held by the Georgia College Cultural Center and the Office of Inclusive Excellence. To read more and to view individual photos of each winner, visit the following link: MLK Literary Response Winners.


Spelling Bee Winners

Baldwin County School District Spelling Bee Winner Jessica Biyogmam

The Baldwin County Board of Education recognized our District Spelling Bee winner and all Spelling Bee winner participants from Oak Hill Middle School, Midway Hills Academy, and Lakeview Academy. 8th grade Georgia College Early College student Jessica Biyogmam earned her spot as the District Spelling Bee winner with the word COVERALLS. Runner up to Jessica was fifth grader Mason Pruitt from Midway Hills Academy. The District Spelling Bee Contest also included Will Walters, fourth grade, and Colton Bishop, fifth grade, from Lakeview Academy; fourth grader Aleeah Reed from Midway Hills Academy; Devrick Harden, sixth grade, Jonathan McCant, seventh grade, and Kaitlyn Teague, eighth grade, from Oak Hill Middle School; and seventh grader Meyanna Reeves from Georgia College Early College.


February Pursuit of Excellence Winners

The school board recognized the February recipients of the Baldwin County School District Pursuit of Excellence Award. The Pursuit of Excellence award is presented monthly to employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The winners are Ms. Mariama Battle, Behavior Specialist at Midway Hills Academy; Ms. Kendall Griner, Teacher at Lakeview Primary School; Mrs. Kimberly Pearson, Teacher and Gifted Facilitator at Midway Hills Primary School; and Mrs. Jennifer Veazey, Teacher at Baldwin High School and Facilitator for Baldwin Online Academy. To view the February winners please click the following link: Pursuit of Excellence.


2020 Census Community Partnership and Engagement Program

The Baldwin County Board of Education was recognized for being an invaluable member of the 2020 Census Community Partnership and Engagement Program. The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for residents and the community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other services based on census data.

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Baldwin County Schools

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110 North ABC St.

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