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MHA Welcome Series


In the United States, students spend most of their day in the care of adults who are not their parents or guardians. Those school-based adults assume the responsibility of caregivers for children who are not their own. The cultural upbringing of both teachers and students forms an intersection critical to the student's academic success and the adult's professional success.

It's imperative that students and teachers know each other beyond the subjective cultural experiences that each may bring to the classroom and that educators possess an understanding of diverse cultures but not stereotype people into a one-size-fits-all cultural mold. Students need to be related to as complete, complex, multidimensional people.

To achieve this desired objective, school leaders and classroom teachers view their school or classroom spaces as culturally inclusive classroom communities where everyone is welcome.

Please view the calm and nurturing learning environment of Midway Hills Academy.

The 'Welcome' series begins with MHA's 2023-2024 teacher of the year, Ms. Kizzi Walker. Stay tuned for more of ~A Day in the Life of MHA- Where Teaching and Learning Never Ends~ ( copy and paste into browser)


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