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E-SPLOST Extended for Another 5 Years

Thank you to the citizens of Baldwin County for voting to extend E-SPLOST for another 5 years. 76% of voters, voted in favor of the Baldwin County School District Education SPLOST. This is the 6th renewal of E-SPLOST in Baldwin County. ESPLOST funds from the 5 year extension of the 1% sales tax for the Baldwin County School District will go towards critical improvements and special projects at all school locations. This investment has completely transformed our schools and classrooms into 21st century learning environments. For 24 years, ESPLOST has helped with new school construction, installing new roofs and HVAC units, upgrading technology infrastructure, renovating existing schools, installing new playground equipment as well as the purchase of new buses, instructional technology, and computing devices for the classrooms. In addition, E-SPLOST dollars have funded secure vestibule entry-points and camera monitoring systems at all school locations, helping to keep our students and staff as safe as possible. It has also allowed us to fund construction improvements for our athletics programs including the new Baldwin High School Athletic Complex, new track surfacing and new bleachers at Braves Stadium. From the most recent E-SPLOST, the school district was able to begin an $11.5 million renovation project at Oak Hill Middle School. This includes a new roof, HVAC systems, and brand new interior renovations. Once again, thank you to the voters of Baldwin County for supporting ESPLOST and our school district's mission to educate our students who will graduate college and career ready and become contributing members of our local and global communities.

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